Thursday, January 10, 2008

Knives Out - Radiohead

"Look into my eyes.. It's the only way you'll know I'm telling the truth.."

what do you take me for? just because i keep quiet, that doesn't mean that you can keep throwing crap at me. the reason i didn't respond to you was because i think that you're not worth my precious time and breath. you're such a pushover and you act all high and mighty as if you rule my life. stop telling me how to go about doing things and don't criticise me just because you don't like it. who are you in the first place to think that you can push me around and tell me to do things the way you like it? i can take criticisms, as long as they are constructive. you used belittle me about every little thing i do/say/think. but not anymore because i have seen through you and before i say something that can make things turn ugly, i advise that you better eff off and let me live my life the way i like it. i don't care about your opinions because it doesn't count anymore. i am sick and tired of you and your snobbish ways.

why do i even bother with you in the first place? you're such a effwit!

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